Ronda Rousey’s Training and Diet Secrets
Exclusive Interview with the MMA Champ The days of masculinity dominating women’s MMA are a thing of the past. With top fighters sporting pretty faces and long flowing hair, women’s MMA is gaining...
View ArticleBurn Fat, Stay Healthy, Live Longer
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Obesity continues to be an increasing epidemic in the United States. An abundance of evidence shows that obesity is caused by a combination of a sedentary lifestyle and poor...
View ArticleBlueprint for a Sexy Butt
Fitness girls have always wanted a great butt and abs— it’s the rest of the world who is late to catch up. Mapping out your plan for achieving better than celeb-status glutesis easy when you have IFBB...
View ArticleScience Shows How to Get a Flat Tummy and Tight Butt
A flat tummy and a tight butt are the keys to a sexy-looking body. Companies spend billions in advertising trying to get you to buy products, programs, and books that improve the appearance of your abs...
View ArticleEat More Fish for Weight Loss and Good Health
More than 66 percent of Americans are obese or overweight. Excess fat is unattractive and can lead to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and premature death. It is little wonder that gym memberships soar...
View ArticleTake a Virtual Vacation in a Spin Class
Ride a Bike in the Grand Canyon at work on Blue Monday! Ever ridden a bike in the Swiss Alps? Walked the trails to the Inca ruins in Peru? Hiked the wild Sierras in California? Now you can do all of...
View ArticleDrink More Water to Lose Weight
Losing weight is difficult, which is why 95 percent of people gain back lost weight from dieting within a year and then some. Some of the simplest things can help you solve the most complex problems....
View ArticleThe Best Fat-Loss Diet For Women and Men
Dan Gwartney, MD The Diet Plan That Burns Fat and Promotes Health Research on the Mediterranean diet indicates that it’s the best long-term fat loss diet for women. The diet’s appetite-suppressing and...
View ArticleTop 10 Fat-Loss Supplements For Women: Calcium, Green Tea, Fiber and More
Looking for the weight-loss supplements that work best for women? Certain supplements have some level of research to support their claims, but it’s easy to be fooled into buying products that don’t...
View ArticleOld-school Bodybuilding: Carbs Make a Comeback
There was a time when bodybuilders ate food (gasp!). It is difficult to visualize today, given the prominence of protein powders, energy drinks, and meal replacements in all their manifestions (bars,...
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